Here's an attempt to nail down in audio-visual glory the debate of network neutrality. If anyone is left without an opinion on it, I beg you to watch the film.

Save the Internet | Rock the Vote

But the true spirit of the video is more than it's glimpse into quite probably the huge issue of our times... it is the fact that the video itself is built upon many of the fundamental principles that the debate brings into question. The film's authors are on on their second edit; each iteration taking in new inspirations and new ideas from "the Internet", polling sites like YouTube for further content to embed. They post everything under a Creative Commons license and encourage further others to remix their own works...

I think that if he were still with us, Carl Sagan would need at least a cameo in the video... I'm actually somewhat curious if someone somewhere has a few choice Cosmos clips to throw in that would be appropriate. The opening to the current edit in particular seems to fit very well with some of Sagan's themes in The Dragons of Eden...