So I went ahead and bought that Xbox 360 I had been talking about. Unfortunately, I'm waiting for the cable modem to arrive, so I can't connect to XBLA to buy games (I'll probably be buying Lumines Live! after being hooked on my brother's PSP copy, and will consider some of the others like Geometry Wars). I'm also waiting for my badge number to be reactivated at the company store before buying games/accessories. (There aren't any third party games I'm willing to pay full price for right now.) It's quite a lovely limbo that I'm in as I wait for different sorts access at work and at my apartment...
I was smart enough to buy the extended Xbox 360 package, and so I do have one game to play, Hexic. I've been working on my "flower skills", and spent way too long playing all the way to the end of Survival mode (level 50). I've got 4 achievements already, but can't connect to Live just yet so I can't show them off.
I need an HDTV, but will wait until I get back home... Anyone know of any good deals on good HDTV-enabled widescreen computer monitors? (I don't understand the idea of having a seperate TV anymore... particularly because computer resolutions are still higher than HDTV.)