I just did something that is extremely rare for me: I just pulled the bookmark out of Wicked. I've had a bookmark in it for several months now (it was a Book of the Moment in May) and realized that I just didn't care to finish it. It is an interesting character study, but it just doesn't have an interesting plot or much to say beyond an abstract painting of morality. I would hope the musical is more interesting, but the book plodded too much and failed to keep my attention, which, again, is a rare thing for me. I've had a bookmark in Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars Volume 2 for even longer than I've had one in Wicked, and although it isn't apparently much of a page-turner of a read I still find the plot interesting enough to see where it leads in those rare occaisions I feel like reading it, and thus its bookmark stays.

It's about time for me to crack open a new book or two and post a new Book of the Moment...