I rewrote the CSS that I was using using the YUI stack of foundational CSS files. For the most part I've been happy with the theme itself, but it had a few quirks and I've always preferred to write my own rather modify someone else's CSS. This rewrite affords me some interesting new design flexibility. (For instance, the Code pages now have a real sidebar.) I'm continuing to tweak and have a few plans for the new design flexibility... primary among those is I'm contemplating switching to a threaded style of comments once more.

Some intentional things you might notice changed with the new design: new logos, disappearance of the translucent version of the gear (I need to find some other way to bring the gear back, I think, I felt it was taking up too much space the old way), tabs have switched sides, new list bullet...

I'm making small adjustments and tweaks as I see them, but overall I think the rewrite appears to be a success...